Keysight Technologies offers customized GaN solutions for double-pulse test, leveraging the PD1500A Dynamic Power Device Analyzer for GaN power device characterization. The PD1500A is a modular system that provides repeatable and reliable measurements for wide bandgap (WBG) devices such as SiC and GaN FETs. The customized GaN test boards include Keysight's proprietary Repeatable and Reliable GaN Characterization (R2GC) technologies, such as low inductance current sensor, solderless device connection, replaceable gate resistors, and fast clamp circuit. The PD1500A software enables easy setup and configuration of the customized GaN test boards and supports various tested parameters such as reverse recovery, gate charge, and dynamic Rds(on). To learn more about the PD1500A Dynamic Power Device Analyzer/Double-Pulse Tester and the customized GaN solutions, visit www.keysight.com/find/PD1500A or contact your local Keysight office.