APS-100GE/400GE 系列

APS 100GE 400GE


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在云计算、人工智能、机器学习等领域的数字化转型驱动下,数据中心运营商和服务提供商面临着加密流量呈指数级增长、攻击面不断扩大等挑战。 400GE 以超快的速度传输流量,因而对 NGFW 和应用交付控制器等关键基础设施提出了进一步的要求。数据中心 NEM 和运营商务必要验证其解决方案,确保它们能够在不牺牲安全性和可用性的情况下支持这些超大规模负载。

Keysight Data Center Infrastructure
APS Series application and security test platform


APS 100GE/400GE 系列采用模块化结构设计,允许用户堆叠 APS-ONE-100 设备并扩展到 16 个计算节点,所有节点都由一台 APS-M8400 设备管理,从而能够通过是德科技先进的应用交付和安全测试工具驱动 51 亿并发 TCP 连接,并生成 3.2 Tbps 的 L4-7 流量。

400GE 超大规模测试能为您做些什么?

单台 APS-ONE-100 设备可提供出色的 TLS 性能――每秒可生成高达 10 万个 TLS 连接、320 万个 TLS 并发连接以及 150 Gbps 加密吞吐量。

使用 APS-M1010 控制器,可扩展到 10 个计算节点,驱动超大规模吞吐量,例如每秒 100 万个 TLS 连接、3200 万个 TLS 并发连接和 1.5 Gbps 加密吞吐量。

需要规模更庞大的测试能力? 您可以使用 APS-M8400 设备及其 8x400GE QSFP-DD 本机 I/O 聚合多达 16 个计算节点,并利用是德科技最强大的应用与安全测试平台,生成每秒 160 万个 TLS 连接、5100 万个并发 TLS 连接和 2.4 Tbps 加密吞吐量。

观看 FortiGate 7121F 新一代企业安全防火墙(NGFW)实施的 BreakingPoint 超高性能测试

观看 FortiGate 7121F 新一代防火墙(NGFW)实施的 BreakingPoint SSL 性能测试

Keysight APS-M1010 Controller


APS 100GE/400GE 系列可采用 APS-M1010 集中管理多达 10 个计算节点,采用 APS-M8400 集中管理多达 16 个计算节点,让您可以在单一平台上查看和管理堆叠中的所有设备,同时更简便地执行设备配置和安装软件更新。


White Papers 2020.05.22

Making Dollar$ and Sense Out of Enterprise Security Testing

Making Dollar$ and Sense Out of Enterprise Security Testing

If your job involves addressing and responding to the security challenges your organization faces, this paper can help you. We’ll explore traditional approaches to assessing security investments, look at the financial benefits of testing, and debunk the excuses that keep IT organizations from validating their security infrastructure and deployment processes. And last but not least, we’ll introduce new solutions and best practices for staying a step ahead of the evolving threat landscape. Ignoring security resilience testing is a “head-in-the-sand” approach that can cost organizations millions, and individuals their jobs. We’ll look at solutions and technologies that can cost-effectively model and apply the realism found in your company’s one-of-a-kind network, right down to your applications and even a single user’s behavior, including both legitimate enterprise users and malicious attackers. Using this approach and economical new techniques, IT managers can quickly evaluate how specific technologies such as NGFWs, or a layered security architecture, will perform and safeguard application performance in their own unique environments. This paper covers: Opportunities for cost-reduction; Selecting optimized and cost-effective security for your network; Right-sizing investments to meet your company’s business AND security needs; Ensuring your network has the high level of security resilience needed to defend against attacks; Readying company personnel for inevitable attacks.

