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Why Take Unnecessary Risks with Your Business?

Product Fact Sheets


Why Take Unnecessary Risks with Your Business?

Keysight OEM Repair Service Agreements provide peace of mind

We can help you manage the time and cost ratio of service management by minimizing repair and loss of instrument availability. Disruption to your production can have a signiicant impact on your business.

Keysight Technologies Inc. service will assist you to develop the repair plan you need based on the criticality of your equipment, location and budget. A service plan ensures you have no unnecessary charges, and the equipment is repaired with appropriate updates.

Keysight is the only service provider you can trust to repair, calibrate and adjust your Keysight equipment, to each and every spec, every time; minimizing personnel time, business interruptions and uncontrollable costs to your companies business operation.

Third Party Service Providers (TPSPs) can’t do that!

Keysight OEM Repair Agreements ensure fast, professional service and support. Eliminate administrative hassles and receive faster service to restore your equipment to full functionality and the highest level of accuracy when a repair is needed. Maximize instrument utilization and employee productivity with fast turnaround times and priority scheduling.

Ensure instrument performance confidence with service from Keysight Technologies

Keysight OEM Repair Agreements

Customized to support your business per your service and inancial requirements. You cannot afford your production operation a third party service provider.

Lower cost of ownership = business results

Non-ESD labels adhered to ESD sensitive chips can cause performance or ESD problems. Can you risk untrained technicians and unprofessional standards and processes?

Trust in relationship = repeatability

Some TPSPs are using fake labels with wrong serial numbers on the outside. Can you risk what is happening on the inside?

Quality = uptime and availability

Keysight instruments “repaired” by TPSPs came back with missing boards. Can your business afford multiple re-repairs and downtime?

  • Do you want your original instrument back?
  •  Is the repair professional? Or is the TPSP trying their best?
  •  How long would it take you to determine your product quality issue was caused by that faulty instrument?
  •  Has there been irreparable damage to your instrument?

Why take a risk with a TPSPs? Save time, Save money with Keysight repair agreements.



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