先进电源系统(APS)电源助手软件是免费的应用软件,可与任意 APS 电源配合使用。电源助手软件为 APS 电源用户提供了三大能力:

  • 使用电源助手软件直观的图形用户界面,可非常方便地控制 APS 电源进行工作

o 可显示测得的输出值

o 可显示输出设置

o 可访问所有前面板控制功能

  • 从 N7908A 黑匣子记录器(BBR)调用和查看数据

o 可通过包含时间戳的图形(截屏摂)调用和显示 BBR 数据

o 截屏可显示所有 BBR 数据,也可只显示定制部分的数据

o 可将 BBR 数据导出到 Excel 文件中并进行存储

  • 可直观地配置复杂的触发信号路由和逻辑触发表达式

o 提供直观的图形用户界面,方便设置复杂的触发配置

o 支持将触发配置下载到 APS 电源

o 支持将触发配置保存到计算机中

o 可调用 SCPI 命令在 ATE 软件中实施触发配置

发布日期 版本 版本说明
2021-06-01 2.0.19 Keysight N7906A V. 2.0.19
发布日期 版本
2021-06-01 2.0.19
Keysight N7906A V. 2.0.19

PC hardware and software operating system requirements

  •     Keysight IO Libraries Suite 2021 (version 18.2)
  •     Microsoft .NET Framework 4 (standalone installer)
  •     Adobe Reader - for viewing the documentation


  1. Click the download button
  2. Click save or run the installer


  1. Download Keysight IO Libraries Suite 18.2 or later.
  2. Download the file "AdvancedPSSoftware_Setup.exe" and run it on your computer - This will install the Power Assistant software
  3. Connect your instrument to your computer and run the  Keysight IO Libraries Suite and confirm that a connection to your instrument is established
  4. Select the Keysight N7906 icon to run the Power Assistant software


  • Does Not Require a License

Installs on: PC


  • Windows 8
  • Windows 7
  • Windows XP SP3


  • Power assistant software requires the IO Libraries Suite software version 18.2 or later.


  • N6900, N7900 Series Advanced Power System DC power supplies: N6950A, N6951A, N6952A, N6953A, N6954A, N6970A, N6971A, N6972A, N6973A, N6974A, N7950A, N7951A, N7952A, N7953A, N7954, N7970A, N7971A, N7972A, N7973A, N7974A

PC hardware and software operating system requirements

  • Windows XP (service pack 3), Windows 7 or Windows 8 operating system
  • Latest version of the Keysight IO Libraries Suite (16.3 or later)
  • Microsoft .NET Framework 4 (standalone installer)


  1. Click the download button
  2. Click save or run the installer


  1. Download Agilent IO Libraries Suite 16.3 or later.
  2. Download the file "AdvancedPSSoftware_Setup.exe" and run it on your computer - This will install the Power Assistant software
  3. Connect your instrument to your computer and run the Agilent IO Libraries Suite and confirm that a connection to your instrument is established
  4. Select the Agilent N7906 icon to run the Power Assistant software


  • 不要求具有许可证

安装到: PC


  • Windows 8
  • Windows 7
  • Windows XP SP3


  • Power assistant software requires the IO Libraries Suite software version 16.3 or later.


  • N6900, N7900 Series Advanced Power System DC power supplies: N6950A, N6951A, N6952A, N6953A, N6954A, N6970A, N6971A, N6972A, N6973A, N6974A, N7950A, N7951A, N7952A, N7953A, N7954, N7970A, N7971A, N7972A, N7973A, N7974A