The Keysight 5518A laser head, used in Keysight interferometer systems, is similar in function to the more recently introduced Keysight 5519A Laser Head. It includes an internal measurement receiver, but it requires an external power supply. The Keysight 5518A is used primarily as the laser source in Keysight 5528A Laser Measurement system. It can also be used in place of a Keysight 5519A Laser Head when upgrading a Keysight 5528A system to a Keysight 5529A Dynamic Calibrator. The Keysight 5518A has a laser beam diameter of 6 mm, and offers a vacuum wavelength accuracy of ±0.1 ppm. The laser head uses a proven long-life laser tube with a demonstrated Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF) of greater than 50,000 hours of operation.
The Keysight 5518A is configured with appropriate optics and system electronics to build a laser interferometer system that meets the unique physical layout and measurement requirements of individual applications. The custom positioning system improves product quality, increases yields, and facilitates manufacture of precision products.
Helium-neon, continuous wave, two-frequency laser
Fast warm-up (typically four minutes)
Internal measurement receiver
Weight: 5.5 Kilograms (12 pounds)
Magnetic Field Strength (Non-Operating): Does not exceed 5.25 milligauss at a distance of 460 cm (15 ft) from any point on the surface of the packaged Laser Head.
Clearance Required for Cabling: 10.16 cm (4 in) beyond back
Power Input Requirements: +15 Volts +/- -0.3 Volts at 25 Amperes maximum, -15 Volts +/-0.l3 Volts at 0.02 Ampere maximum
Heat Dissipation: 23 watts during operation, 35 watts during warmup