The S96111B active hot parameters are available on ENA-X or ENA network analyzers and provide a more accurate method to test hot S-parameters, gain and output power than traditional methods by utilizing X-parameter technologies. Restricted to 50 GHz.


  • Removes active device and system interaction and precisely calculates the active parameters and output power into a 50 ohm environment.
  • Removes system-to-system correlation problems for improved accuracy.
  • Uses X-parameters* technology for generalized nonlinear performance characterization.
  • Provides various traces for detailed analysis of:
    o hot S11/12/21/22, hot gain, hot match
    o input/output power
    o coefficient (output, direct reflection, image reflection)
    o gamma-optimum, optimal load match, and maximum delivered power

The Keysight S96111B active hot parameters software application for E5081A ENA-X and E5080B ENA network analyzers offers a more accurate method to test hot S-parameters, gain, and output power than traditional methods by utilizing X-parameters technology. It removes the active device and system interaction to precisely calculate the active parameters and output power into a nominal 50 ohm environment. The advanced theory removes system-to-system correlation problems. It also provides coefficients of equation to calculate linear and non-linear device performance of gamma-opt (optimum), optimal load match, and maximum delivered power to optimum load. The S96111B software application operates up to 50 GHz and delivers a total of 14 traces (parameters) with various sweep types, such as frequency sweep, power sweep, or two-dimensional frequency and power sweep.

The S96111B software application requires either the E5081A ENA-X 4-port configuration (Option 4K5, 4K6, 4N5, and 4N6) or E5080B ENA with internal second source option (Option 4x2).

Learn more about Keysight Network Analyzer Software.

*X-parameters is a trademark and registered trademark of Keysight Technologies in the US, EU, JP, and elsewhere. The X-parameters format and underlying equations are open and documented. For more information, visit
