BreakingPoint QuickTest

BreakingPoint QuickTest 应用和安全测试


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  • 用户界面更简便,只需点击两三下即可执行复杂的测试例
  • 一种自我稳定型目标搜索算法,用于评估各种基础设施的性能和安全性
  • 持续更新的套件可确保基于互联网的当前状态实施评估
  • 预先创建的问题导向式测试方法涵盖顶层性能和安全场景
  • 每次运行完测试后由专家进行后期分析,得出可行的见解和建议
  • 能够在同一测试平台上同时使用 BreakingPoint 和 BreakingPoint QuickTest



正确执行网络安全评估有助于详细了解网络或设备的性能,同时处理各种复杂的流量――从基础的第 2 层和第 3 层到 Web 再到复杂的应用组合(包含或不包含威胁向量)。

同样,深入的安全有效性评估需要结合使用威胁向量与逃避技术,从而准确衡量基础设施探测、允许或拦截各类攻击的能力。 这种验证对于确保网络的高性能和安全性至关重要。



BreakingPoint QuickTest 根据所需测试类型提供个性化的测试方法,能够简化应用性能和安全有效性评估。 现有或近期计划推出的测试套件可提供加密性能测试、NetSecOpen、系统性能测试、周边评估和设备安全评估。



BreakingPoint QuickTest 具备 BreakingPoint 的全部功能,使组织能够提高网络安全测试的速度,而不会对其他性能产生不利影响。


BreakingPoint QuickTest 稳定化/校准算法可以处理各种流量条件设置并找到最佳性能/安全性结果


White Papers 2020.05.22

Making Dollar$ and Sense Out of Enterprise Security Testing

Making Dollar$ and Sense Out of Enterprise Security Testing

If your job involves addressing and responding to the security challenges your organization faces, this paper can help you. We’ll explore traditional approaches to assessing security investments, look at the financial benefits of testing, and debunk the excuses that keep IT organizations from validating their security infrastructure and deployment processes. And last but not least, we’ll introduce new solutions and best practices for staying a step ahead of the evolving threat landscape. Ignoring security resilience testing is a “head-in-the-sand” approach that can cost organizations millions, and individuals their jobs. We’ll look at solutions and technologies that can cost-effectively model and apply the realism found in your company’s one-of-a-kind network, right down to your applications and even a single user’s behavior, including both legitimate enterprise users and malicious attackers. Using this approach and economical new techniques, IT managers can quickly evaluate how specific technologies such as NGFWs, or a layered security architecture, will perform and safeguard application performance in their own unique environments. This paper covers: Opportunities for cost-reduction; Selecting optimized and cost-effective security for your network; Right-sizing investments to meet your company’s business AND security needs; Ensuring your network has the high level of security resilience needed to defend against attacks; Readying company personnel for inevitable attacks.

