This is the latest version of the "EMC Limit Lines and Transducer Factors" floppy disk that is shipped with every E7400A EMC Analyzer, found in the "EMC Analyzers Measurement Guide"

Get the latest version:

The latest version (A.01.08) of the E7400A EMC Analyzers Limit Lines and Transducer Factors can be donwloaded for free from this page below to your personal computer....

Note: While these files are intended for use with the E7400A Series EMC Analyzers, the Limit Lines and Transducer Factor files will load into the ESA Series Spectrum Analyzers as well.

Download it free:

To create a new floppy disk:

  • Select one of the two "E7400A Series EMC Limit Lines" downloads (Self Extracting or Zip Archive)
  • Save the program to your hard drive
  • Execute the downloaded file on your PC

The self extracting file will prompt you to place a blank floppy disk into your A: drive. It will then extract all of the files to the floppy disk for use in the analyzer. While this method is the fastest, some PCs might have a problem using this program. If that is the case for you, downloaded the .zip file instead and unzip the contents to a floppy disk.

You can also view the disk contents on-line by selecting the "E7400A Series EMC Limits Guide" download. The contents guide will also be on the floppy disk that is created by the downloadable program. (This guide is Appendix B from the "EMC Analyzers Measurement Guide")

Please Note:

  • Limit Lines - While this disk does provide limit lines for a good number of the most commonly used standards, we cannot cover all of the different standards used around the world, as well as all of the emerging standards. However, we do occasionally come out with new versions such as this. Creating your own limit lines can be done very easily for any standards that we may not cover. To do so please refer to your "EMC Analyzers Measurement Guide" chapter 5 "How Do I...".
  • Transducer Factors - While this disk does provides transducer factors for the different antennas, LISNs, limiters, cables, etc... that we sell, if you have received specific calibration data for your device you will need to modify the correction factors to match your specific data in order to obtain the most accurate measurements possible. For information on how to modify correction data, or to add correction data for other devices please refer to your "EMC Analyzers Measurement Guide" chapter 5 "How Do I..."
发布日期 版本 版本说明
2008-02-12 A.01.08 Corrected FCC Part 15 Class B Radiated 3 Meter Limit Line
发布日期 版本
2008-02-12 A.01.08
Version Description
Corrected FCC Part 15 Class B Radiated 3 Meter Limit Line


  • See Above


  • See Above


  • Does Not Require a License

Installs on: PC / Instrument


  • Not Applicable


  • E7401A, E7402A, E7403A, E7404A, E7405A, 84105EM, 84115EM